What makes a good teacher?

photo of young boy smiling against a blackboard background with the text "the world needs great teachers" in orange text on the right side

You’ve probably noticed recent news headlines about a trend toward parents demanding that schools provide an education which parents think is appropriate for their children. The problem, of course, is that parents don’t agree what that “appropriate” definition is. Some parents want their children exposed to a wide variety of ideas and values, making sure … Read more

The “latest thing” in education

image with multicolor vertical stripes, with five people with thought/word bubbles about research involving social and emotional learning (SEL) and it's impact and importance

You may have noticed that, over time, educational fads and standards change. Every five years or so, someone will publish a research paper which purports to prove that a new approach to teaching, or a new curriculum, will totally transform education. As a result, you’ll see your local school system sending all the teachers off … Read more

School and boys: they need our help

Screencap of USA Today story "Boys in crisis: Schools are failing young males. Here's what needs to change in classrooms" with headline, still frame of video running with story of Mike Wimmer, a student who completed two years of high school and two years of college in one year at 12 years old

When this sort of article appears in USA Today, you know the problems boys have in school are getting noticed – FINALLY! “Boys in crisis: Schools are failing young males. Here’s what needs to change in classrooms“ If you’ve been following this blog for any length of time, you’ll know that everything said here is … Read more

School is back! Perhaps…

olympic rings against sky with some clouds

Depending on where you live, you’re either looking forward to having your child back in school full-time, or your child is looking forward to another year of some version of school. In either case, those in the northern hemisphere are facing the start of school. And for those of you in the northern hemisphere, know … Read more

Education Post-Pandemic

two boys, one Black and one White, reading together in a room with shelves

There are several effects of the pandemic on education that have fascinated me. If you’re a regular reader here, you know that I did teach in high school for 30+ years, but now I teach in a community college. I love teaching and this gives me the opportunity to stay connected to education. Last year, … Read more


photo illustration of person with head pain

Now that your son is allowed back in school and has the opportunity to play with his friends, the chance of head injuries will increase. It won’t surprise you that most children who are diagnosed with concussions are male, and those with serious concussions are overwhelmingly male.  However, recent data indicates that those who sustain … Read more