School and boys: they need our help

Screencap of USA Today story "Boys in crisis: Schools are failing young males. Here's what needs to change in classrooms" with headline, still frame of video running with story of Mike Wimmer, a student who completed two years of high school and two years of college in one year at 12 years old

When this sort of article appears in USA Today, you know the problems boys have in school are getting noticed – FINALLY! “Boys in crisis: Schools are failing young males. Here’s what needs to change in classrooms“ If you’ve been following this blog for any length of time, you’ll know that everything said here is … Read more

Boys will be boys

two boys scuffling - illustration by Frances Tipton Hunter

How many times have we said, when looking at our boys jumping around, wrestling on the grass, or shouting at each other to do something, “Oh, well, boys will be boys.” We understand that the behavior is typical of boys, that no one taught them to do it, and it usually does not end well … Read more

Toxic masculinity (and how to end it)

toxic masculinity graphic

You may be aware of a recent event when a young woman, who was jogging on a public highway, was approached by a young man who wanted her to stop and pay him attention. The story goes that when she rejected him, he “blacked out” and when he woke up, he discovered her dead in … Read more

Bush School: Experiential education that sparks young minds

image of boys in forest classroom

Earlier this month (July 2018), I was in Australia for the annual conference of the International Boys’ Schools Coalition (IBSC). I’ve mentioned this group to you before. This time, I went to a pre-conference adventure that involved going to a bush school. The school is in the Kangaroo Valley in New South Wales, Australia. This … Read more

The myth of the “bad boy”

mad boy image

I don’t know if your son has ever gotten into trouble at school, but mine certainly did. He’d come home with a note saying something to the effect that “your son received a discipline notice today because he [pick one of the following] yelled at another student | threw his books on the floor | … Read more

The academic life of boys

One of the many problems that boys have in school is that educators, for the most part, don’t see them as being interested in the academic side of school. By that I mean that boys will learn the facts that are presented in class, but they don’t seem to be concerned with the abstract nature … Read more

The Emotional Life of Boys

photo of boy with binder covering his face

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you know that I have mentioned more than once that male humans are more emotional than female humans, and the difference in emotional expression is particularly true in very young boys. As an example, take a look at this segment interviewing adolescent boys which recently appeared … Read more

The Feminization of School

boy with raised hand in classromm

I’ve been saving up some articles over the summer to share with you. One bothered me so much that I have been thinking about it for some time. Years ago, our son and I were in a community theater production of Oliver Twist. It was before we discovered his voice – the voice which allowed … Read more

Gun Culture

boy with toy pistol

I grew up in a rural area and most people I know own guns. I myself own them, including a small rifle which we use to deal with rabid animals. This gun is not an automatic, it requires cocking each time you want to shoot, making accidental firing almost impossible. The other gun we have is an air rifle … Read more